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We’re proud to serve Texas and are eager to help you. You can search our resource of frequently asked questions, or visit our About Us page to find the right contact so that we can address your needs.

Oncor welcomes your interest in possible employment opportunities with us. Visit our careers page to view, search and apply for open positions. You can also create a candidate profile in the Oncor Career Portal to easily apply for jobs that match your qualifications, check your status, and update your information at any time.

Oncor delivers electricity to homes and businesses, but is not a retailer and does not sell electricity directly to customers. Oncor employees will never stop by your home or contact you by phone or online to request a payment to prevent power from being disconnected. Oncor employees and representatives will never enter your home to perform work. Any work performed by an Oncor employee or authorized contractor will be done outside a home or business and they will wear clothing branded with the company name and logo. Employees will also carry an ID badge and any authorized contractors will carry their own company identification. Don’t be afraid to ask for an employee’s company badge – they will gladly show it to you. You can call Oncor at 888.313.6862 to confirm an employee’s identity, but if you fear for your safety, call 911 immediately.

Typically, for overhead residential service the customer owns and is responsible for the meter base and wiring in the meter base, as well as conduit and wiring connecting the weather head at the top of the house. Oncor owns the pole and transformer serving the premise and the wires, also known as the service line, that connect to the weather head and meter.