Keep It Civil. Keep It Clean. Keep It On Topic.

Just like most everyone, we love using social media, blogs and other Web forums to express ourselves.  Whether it’s Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or some other blog or Web spot, they all provide two-way communication between you and Oncor. It’s the two-way part that’s most important to us. 


Through social media and Web forums, we have the chance to talk about things we think are important for customers to know about Oncor.  And, just as important, you have several ways to talk to us about things that are important to you.  But, as in any public forum, conversations tend to be the most productive when they are civil, clean and stay on topic. In an effort to promote productive conversations, we are sharing our social media and Web house rules with you.

Follow us. We will do our best to give you informative and interesting information about Oncor and how we deliver electricity to your home or business.


Comment, like and reply. If you like something on our social media pages or other sites, like, comment or reply to it. If you don’t like something or have an opinion about any issue related to Oncor, leave us a comment about that, too. We won’t always agree or there may be another side to the story, but we still want to hear about it. 


Share with others. They call it social media for a reason. It’s all about people sharing information that they think is interesting and important to their friends or colleagues. If you see something on one of our sites that others might find interesting, share it.


Use profanity, discriminatory or hateful words or submit similar content. At a minimum, including this type of content only takes a conversation off-track, is offensive and is not supported by Oncor. 


Get off-topic.  If you want to change the subject, feel free. Just do it in a related or a new post. For example, if you want to talk about advanced meters on our Facebook page, you should comment on an advanced meter post or start a new post of your own instead of changing the subject on a post about storm safety or other Oncor topic.


Threaten someone or break the law. We all get upset sometimes, but threatening someone or breaking the law through your use of social media or a Web forum is not supported by Oncor and certainly would not result in productive conversations.


Spam our sites. Using Oncor’s social media sites or Web forums for purposes of solicitation or advertising, including sharing a link to your website, isn’t supported by Oncor and like the other Don’ts listed here, isn’t activity that fosters productive conversations.


If you follow our house rules, then social media and Web forums should be a great way for you and for us to be social. If you don’t follow the house rules, then we reserve the right to remove your posts and block you from posting on our sites.


It’s all pretty simple and straightforward. Just remember: keep it civil, clean and on-topic.


Please note that nothing in these guidelines changes the terms of use associated with a particular social media site or Web forum nor do these guidelines modify our rights as set forth at, including our right to remove or disable access to any information on our Website at any time in our sole discretion.