Oncor makes it easy for customers or their installers to submit and track the status of their interconnection request with a web-based installer portal. This user-friendly tool allows you to follow your application as it moves through the entire interconnection process—from the time you submit your initial request through final permission for operation.
Throughout the application process, the installer portal provides updates to the customer or their installers as each step of interconnection is completed. The installer portal provides a seamless workflow, reduces overall processing time and administrative costs.
The interconnection application process consists of several steps. Here's an overview for the most common systems with certified equipment.
Homeowners and businesses interested in leveraging renewable Distributed Generation (DG) systems should keep a few other things in mind.
A certified solar system is an inverter-based system that has been tested and certified to meet the standards specified in UL-1741 Utility Interactive (Underwriters Laboratory). Your solar system vendor can verify solar system certification. If your system does not meet UL-1741 requirements, it is a non-certified system. For additional information regarding certification listings, refer to
For information related to Oncor’s incentive programs, visit takealoadofftexas.com.
If the battery system operates in parallel, for any length of time, with the utility then an interconnection agreement is required. Please contact Oncor for specific questions.