The Commercial Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Option offers financial incentives for Oncor customers who install eligible distributed solar energy generating equipment.
This option is designed to make Solar PV incentives available to all commercial customer classes, stimulate investment in and implementation of solar technologies and minimize the burden of measurement and verification (M&V) requirements by offering deemed savings calculations.
Any entity meeting the application requirements located in the program manual that installs eligible solar PV systems at a customer site with commercial electricity distribution service from Oncor is eligible to participate in the Commercial-program solar option as a service provider.
Service providers will be required to demonstrate a commitment to fulfilling program objectives and competency in completing the proposed project.
Service providers must follow the following process in order to participate in this program:
For additional information on eligible energy efficiency measures, qualifications requirements, application process and full program details, download the Solar Photovoltaic Program Manual.