Partners Resources



Priority codes are indicators used by Retail Electric Providers (REP) to designate the desired response prioritization for services provided by Oncor.  Priority codes may not be available for all services; however, Oncor strives to provide the highest level of service at all times.

Please see Oncor Tariff for Retail Delivery Service for timing of completion of service orders.

Contact your REP Relations Manager if you have any questions.

Priority Codes for Move-in Orders

Priority 1​Standard Move-in
​Priority 2 and 3​Priority Move-in
Priority 4​Holiday Move-in

Priority Codes for Reconnect after Disconnect for Non-Pay Orders

Priority 1
​Standard Reconnect
Priority 2
​Same day Reconnect
Priority 3
​Weekend Reconnect
Priority 4
Holiday Reconnect
Priority 5
​Pre-pay Reconnect - Reserved for reconnection of a pre-pay Retail Customer's distribution service at a premise where a provisioned AMS meter with remote disconnect/reconnect capability is installed, and when the Retail Electric Provider uses Oncor's prescribed process for disconnection/reconnection for a pre-pay customer with a provisioned AMS meter.

Priority Codes for Disconnect for Non-Pay Orders

Priority 1
​Standard Disconnect
Priority 5
​Pre-pay Disconnect - Reserved for disconnection of a pre-pay Retail Customer's distribution service at a premise where a provisioned AMS meter with remote disconnect/reconnect capability is installed, and when the Retail Electric Provider uses Oncor's prescribed process for disconnection/reconnection for a pre-pay customer with a provisioned AMS meter.