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Energy Efficiency

Summer Energy Efficiency Tips

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The summer season officially kicked off, Thursday,  June 20, and Oncor is reminding customers of the importance and value of practicing energy efficiency.


By making small changes to improve energy efficiency in homes and businesses, Texans can save money on electric bills and reduce energy usage during high demand seasons.


“As summer officially begins, Oncor is encouraging all of our customers to take a few moments to review ways to be energy efficient in their homes, businesses and neighborhoods,” said Garry Jones, Energy Efficiency Director. “Summer months often lead to the highest demand for electricity, but working together to improve energy efficiency now can ultimately lead to savings and reduced energy usage. We look forward to sharing how Texas families and business-owners are improving energy efficiency as Oncor continues to work each day to provide our customers with affordable, safe and reliable electric service.”

Customers can save money and reduce energy usage this summer by implementing the following energy efficiency tips:

  • Unplug devices when you’re not using them. Even devices that are turned off or not in use, such as plugged-in phone chargers, are still using electricity.
  • Set your thermostats just two or three degrees higher and block out the hot sun by closing the blinds and curtains. Every degree of extra cooling will increase energy usage six to eight percent.
  • Use ceiling fans, which spread cool air more effectively and can make a room feel four to six degrees cooler. Remember that fans cool people, not rooms, so turn them off when you leave.
  • Change out your air conditioning filters and block your AC unit from direct sunlight if you are able to increase efficiency.
  • Save money instantly and in the long-run by upgrading to energy efficient appliances with Oncor’s Retail Products Program. The Oncor Retail Products Program offers discounts on qualifying ENERGY STAR® products through Oncor's new Marketplace or in-store at local participating retailers.


Oncor offers some of the lowest delivery rates of any investor owned utility in Texas, and also provides customers with a variety of incentive programs to help homes, businesses, government, schools and nonprofits jump-start their energy efficiency. More information on these programs can be found at