General Inquiries/Service Requests:
(Mon.-Fri., 8 a.m.-6 p.m. Central Time)
Oncor personnel have been working throughout the day to assess damage, make repairs and restore power after Saturday morning’s severe thunderstorm produced intense, damaging winds, large hail and frequent lightning. More than 13,000 customers have been restored since peak outage impacts of nearly 18,000. The vast majority of the approximately 5,000 remaining outages are located across the Waxahachie and Ennis areas, which experienced the most significant and damaging wind and hail impacts. Restoration is expected to be substantially completed by late tonight, with the remaining and most complex outages restored Sunday.
In some areas, complete reconstruction of electric equipment is required, including replacing utility poles and transformers before new power lines can be installed. Oncor vegetation management personnel must also remove tree limbs and other debris from lines before repairs can be made. Trees, on-the-ground debris and soft soil conditions have made access to some restoration areas extremely difficult, with additional equipment and machinery, such as bulldozers, required to clear the areas so work can safely begin.
Customers are encouraged to check their home or business electric equipment, such as the meter base or weatherhead, to make sure it has not been damaged or pulled off as the result of the storm. If this equipment is damaged, customers will need to contact a licensed electrician to make the necessary repairs. Oncor will not be able to safely reconnect or restore power until these repairs are completed and is unable to repair electric equipment it does not own. A city inspection may also be required before service can be restored.
To report an outage, text OUT to 66267, call 888-313-4747, use the MyOncor app, or select “Report an Outage” located above our Storm Center map. Please note that the total number of outages reflected on this map includes all current outages throughout the Oncor service area, including non-weather events.
Customers are urged to keep these important safety tips in mind:
· If you are experiencing an emergency event, call 911 immediately.
· If you see a downed power line, please stay away, keep pets and others away and call 911 immediately. In addition to the downed line potentially being energized, anything touching the power line, such as a tree branch, could also be energized.
· Do not attempt to remove debris and tree limbs from areas near power lines. The debris may be concealing a live wire or downed power line.
· Use caution when traveling on the roadways, especially in areas with heavy debris and streetlights without power.
· While prioritized during power restoration events, critical care designations do not guarantee an uninterrupted power supply, especially during severe weather. Customers who rely on electricity for life-saving medical devices should have a plan in place in case of power outages.
· Check on neighbors and elderly or vulnerable residents who may be without power.
Customers can receive updates by registering for MyOncor text alerts by texting “REG” to 66267, downloading the MyOncor App, following Oncor on Facebookand X (formerly Twitter), or by calling 888-313-4747.